Meet Perihan Sadovski
Qualified and experienced Pilates instructor and trainer

is passionate about bringing Pilates to a wide range of individuals;
hence the chosen name All Pilates. As such, she is constantly engaging in continuous professional development and working out new and diverse ways to have people access Pilates, in an efficient way and where possible a fun way.
About our pilates trainer

Pilates was introduced to Perihan through physiotherapy she needed when she was 25. This is a fairly young age to have issues with back pain, but through a combination of hyper mobility and various movement disciplines, the back problems were finally there with a vengeance, made worse through the latter years of doing Yoga. Pilates was indeed what saved Perihan, in that she acquired a strong core to pursue all sorts of physical disciplines much loved by her such as skiing and tango dancing.
Being able to have a functional life and enjoyable movement mean a great deal to Perihan. She understands therefore the benefits of gaining a strong body and pursuing one’s favourite activities.
Are you searching for Experienced Professional Pilates Classes in Hendon or any of the surrounding districts? Our experienced teacher continues with ongoing professional development to provide you with the best. Call All Pilates on

- Trained by Body Control Pilates Association and is certified to take up mat classes (2010) Member of Body Control Pilates Association and Register of Exercise Professionals Pilates for pregnancy (pre- and post-partum)
- Pilates for the elderly population (this includes various health conditions associated with later age)
- Pilates for the neck and shoulders, and other workshops, focusing on scoliosis, hypermobility and more
Perihan attends courses and annual development workshops and lectures to keep these memberships active, and for continuous professional development.
As an academic, Perihan’s interest in learning and further developing is very much alive and her inquisitiveness takes her in more independent research, both in anatomy and practical exercise development; her repertoire is therefore outstretching that provided by Body Control. Nevertheless, the fundamentals of this core training are there, practising the activity with high professional standards, with a watchful eye for detail in clients’ movement, to make it a safe one.
Pilates classes in Hendon, London
Adress: All Pilates, Montagu Road, Hendon, London. NW4 3ER
Tel: 07906 750 026
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